Sharon Krueger
Sharon is the Director of Innovation Grants and Relationships in the Dean’s Office in the School of Medicine. Her responsibilities include serving as the Director of the Ivy Biomedical and LaunchPad proof-of-concept research grant programs and the program manager for the 3 Cavaliers collaborative research program. She was the past project director for the U.S. Department of Commerce i6 Challenge, Virginia Innovation Partnership, a statewide proof-of-concept fund. Sharon works with others to develop strategies to strengthen partnerships with industry, investors, foundations, federal agencies, national academic organizations and peer universities. She works with departments and organizations from the University to the national level to organize events and programs that promote innovation, entrepreneurship through UVA’s research technologies. Sharon has served as a liaison with several biomedical corporations.
Sharon serves as a resource on proof-of-concept funding programs, with peer universities, state agencies such as the Governor’s Office, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the U.S. Departments of Education and Commerce, and Association of University Technology Managers.