Frederick H. Epstein
Frederick H. Epstein, PhD, is the Mac Wade Professor of Biomedical Engineering at UVA. He has served as Chair of UVA’s Biomedical Engineering Department and as Associate Dean for Research for the School of Engineering and Applied Science. He is internationally recognized for research contributions to the field of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including for the development of highly accurate methods for quantifying cardiac function and for using MRI to discover fundamental biological mechanisms underlying heart disease.
Epstein received his B.S. in Physics and B.A. in Mathematics at the University of Rochester, and then went on to get his M.S. in Engineering Physics and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at UVA. He did his Post-Doc in Radiology at UVA and worked as a research scientist at GE Medical Systems and at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) before becoming a faculty member at UVA in 2000.
Epstein has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, has been continuously funded as principal investigator by the NIH for more than 20 years, has 16 issued or pending patents, served on numerous study sections and expert panels for the NIH and the American Heart Association, and served as Chair of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Academic Council. Dr. Epstein is an elected Fellow of three major societies, namely the ISMRM (2013), the American Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering (2014), and the American Heart Association (2014). In addition, he was recently named a Distinguished Investigator of the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research.